Welcome home, beautiful.

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Do you have a lot of responsibilities, Love your people, and are the Dependable One? If so, then You, Beautiful Soul, are in the right place! First, thank you for all the light and love you bring to our world!

Being Someone who Does it All is a blessing! AND, it has its challenges. Do any of these also describe you?

  • My Day gets hijacked by other peoples’ needs.
  • I am a Worrier.
  • I hit walls with Exhaustion and Overwhelm.
  • Survival-mode is sometimes my life.
  • I Procrastinate sometimes
  • I am a Perfectionist

Exhaustion. Worry. Procrastination. Perfectionism. Overfull days. You know what these REALLY ARE? They aren’t how you are meant to live. They are ROBBING YOU of Time meant to Love your Life!

YES! You CAN be the dependable one who also enjoys her life to the fullest – without these Time Robbers stealing your most valuable resource – your time!

How do I know? I’m a Perfectionistic-Mommy-Doormat-in-Recovery. I combine one decade of lived experience with two decades of professional experience to let you know that You DESERVE MORE. You, dedicated, big-hearted soul, deserve to LOVE your life again!

So, How can you get your Time back?

If you are a Crazy Busy Working Woman

Who wants to love her life, again

If you are an Exhausted Helping Professional

Who craves Balance and Fulfillment

If you are a Swamped Entrepreneur

Looking to make faster, smarted decisions

They say it’s the cracks that let our Light in

And I’d say we are also taught to fear those cracks. All the regrets, all the worries, all the emotions, risks, all the unknowns. It’s like we are all on boats, with life preservers on, hands clenched, praying for a paddle and no storms.

Others say it’s our Light that we are afraid of. I’d say we are taught to cheer the Light in everyone and everyone OUTSIDE of us. That we don’t think twice about, know how to see, or even incorporate our Light. It’s like we’re sitting in dread, in our boats, on a sunny day, dying of thirst, with paddle in hand and land in sight. And we still can’t move. We give up. Or we don’t believe it’s true.

We give up because we end up believing we don’t deserve Joy.

We give up because we end up believing that we are ordinary, or less than.

In the end, we settle for staying put. For mediocrity.

It’s like life set us up for a no-win situation…
Or did life set us up for Brave Transformation?

I believe we can lean into BOTH our Cracks AND Light within to Create the life of our dreams, starting Today.
I believe we can ride through the Cracks, the storms, becoming stronger, fearless, and more flexible.
I believe we can learn to embrace our Light – know our power – find the surfboard, and joyfully ride to the shores of our dreams.

Heidi Esther, Joyologist
group of working women who do it all hugging
group of women who do it all smiling and holding beach ball
heidi esther speaking at a podium at nonprofit event she is a woman who does it all

Joy Coaching? What does that look like?

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